
My Philosophy

  • I believe that in every design I create, it should be a reflection of love and life.
  • I believe that I am a mediator to create a small part of beauty in the universe.
  • While daydreaming, I sometimes travel to other worlds to see beyond our own world. I sometimes spend hours looking at pictures of faraway galaxies or the beauty of deep-sea creatures, because they always show me flawless designs. The intelligence and creativity that lies in these divine creatures inspires me. My ultimate goal in life is to create designs that are so amazing and impactful that they create an emotional contact with the viewers.
  • Inspiration is my main important design tool; It is the mediating tool between me and the superior world.
  • Nothing is impossible in my eyes and I have never seen life through a limited framework. In my world, 2+3 is not necessarily 5.
  • I have learned that nothing, except fear, limits us and nothing but our thoughts, puts us in a closed framework.
  • I have failed many times in my life and never been afraid of facing my failures. I believe that each failure is like a teacher who intends to teach us a difficult lesson.
  • I have learned that We cannot achieve great success and be the source of change, unless we locate in our actual orbit. every one of us has an exclusive orbit and the biggest exploration is to find this orbit and locate ourselves in it but only a small percentage of people are in their real orbit in this world.
  • I have learned that growth comes with pain and sometimes we have to endure excruciating pain to speed up our growth.
  • I have learned that no acquaintance is accidental. Each acquaintance can affect the course of our lives.
  • I have learned that sometimes we have to be generous to achieve great things.
  • I have learned that behind every seemingly bad event, there is a good story that takes time to show face.